How to go from learning to doing in Internet Marketing

Go from Learning to Doing.

A lot of people that I talk to at networking events etc have a problem of going from learning about Internet Marketing to actually doing it, and I think it can be broken down into 2 parts.

1) I want perfection!

We all want our web site, blog, membership site, sales letter, etc to be the best and we keep developing and twitching it with that end in mind. The problem is that we either never get it finished or technology, the market etc has moved on and we are now out of date.

The old adage that you will never make anything with the best content that is never seen, still holds good.

So don’t wait for perfection, publish right now and see what happens. You will also get feed back, good and bad, and that will help you develop so that you provide content that people want (as opposed to what you think they want!)

2) The next shiny tool

We so often get distracted by the next shiny object that we dump using the one that we brought yesterday and buy the next one. It may be better than the one we were learning or it may be worse. Either way you are going backward as you are spending money and wasting the time that you already invested in the last shiny object. And that could be WordPress theme, plugin, method, software etc.

My advice (and I don’t always take this one to my own detriment) is pick one and run with it. The chances are you already have all you need you just need to apply it. Lots of us have software, plugins, training courses etc that we have brought, never opened and forgotten about, just because the next shiny object came along. Some discipline will go a long way here!

Just to drive the point home, I was talking to one well know Internet Marketeer and overtime he did a launch he was amazed at the number of people that brought the product more than once. He could see from the affiliate tracking that they had brought via different affiliates.

I was inspired to write this after watching a video by Jeff Walker and I have included the you tube video below. About 4 mins long and very good. Watch and enjoy and let me know what you think.

3) I know I said 2 points.

The last thought very quickly, some of us just like to learn. And while we are learning and no one sees our work, we cannot fail. Once we publish we set ourselves up for failure and criticism and most of us do not like that. Get over it, if you want to better yourself and move forward.

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