Hi gang & welcome

So here we are in November and as marketers we should all be prepared
and excited for the Christmas rush.

Opportunities are there for all of us, whatever your niche you really
should make the effort to get some income generated, start small aim
for £100/$100 a month/week/day and watch it grow.


Movember 2013Another thing here in the UK is ‘Movember’ this is a charity fund raising idea in aid of specifically prostate cancer awareness.

The simple idea is for men [at least I think it’s aimed at men] to grow a moustache throughout the month of November.


There are specific rules which apply but basically it’s a bit of fun
with the charity benefiting and Joanne [my wife] thought it would be
funny if I took part…..weird sense of humour!

So, not to spoil the party I have taken up the challenge & shall be
cultivating my first ever moustache in aid of charity and if you feel
like minded you can always donate.

BTW it is so annoying!


8 Simple Principles

Another snippet for you today…..

Wise words indeed from TED…………

Most of us I assume fail in applying these 8 principles:

Watch the video here (only 3 mins)
How did you rate yourself?

Format Your Broadcast Emails Like The Pros

Format Your Broadcast Emails Like The Pros

If you’ve ever wondered why your emails are not getting the response that you hoped for, well one reason may be the format of the text/body.

Many emails are considered as spam so a way around this is to format your text and this FREE software just makes it so easy.

Simply put, what it does is format your email
to about 50, 60 or 70 characters wide [you can set to what you think looks right] and then it wraps the lines so they don’t get messy.



You may have noticed this on emails that you receive and the other
great tip is, that it is user friendly for mobile phones or tablets as
it displays the whole message on the screen without the need to scroll
left or right.

The FREE version which works just fine or you can upgrade
to the Pro at the low cost of $4.99 this is basically to cover costs.

The Pro version gives you lifetime support, updates, spell checker
and no doubt further benefits as time goes on, why wouldn’t you for
the very low cost?

Read more on this fantastic Free software here.


So Twitter has floated and by all accounts the share value has risen substantially.

With a valuation circa $10bn and considering it is yet to turn a profit I suspect some serious advertising will be implemented to satisfy their investors….the joy!!!

I think it’s a pity that not unlike Facebook their have been stories which have suggested ‘in-house’ disagreement/arguments between the alleged founders.

Some of the key instigators in creating Twitter are still aboard such
as Jack Dorsey and Evan Williams, however one notable absentee is Noah
Glass who appears to have been squeezed out.

Evan Williams when questioned on Noah tweeted, “It’s true that Noah
never got enough credit for his early role at Twitter. Also, he came
up with the name, which was brilliant.”

You can get full story of Hatching Twitter just here and it will make a
great Christmas present.

Fantastic Video Software

Fantastic Video Software

Another fantastic tool for you, one which we have bought and are
using. Cost $5.00

So if you are looking to produce video for your marketing I would
recommend that you head over here and have a look at this product, very easy to use, great quality and best of all cheap as chips.

Click here for info.

BTW no affiliate link just another tip to help you develop your


Rob Cornish

Rob Cornish

We are continuing our Interviews with world leading Internet Marketers and if you would like your FREE audio copy of Rob Cornish click here with our compliments.




Meet Up

Just to remind those of you who are based in the North West UK [or
indeed anywhere if you don’t mind travelling] our monthly Internet

Meeting is scheduled for Friday November 15th 2013 at The Castlefield
Hotel, Manchester.

Informal & friendly meeting open networking from 12.30hrs. Includes a
two course lunch 13.30hrs with a further networking opportunity
afterwards, coffee served in the lounge area. We invite you to come
along you might actually enjoy it and get some great information and
meet new contacts.

15 November 2013





Click here for location.

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