Coming Clean – The Truth!

So we have signed up for our mentorship course with Dean Holland & whilst we have been slow off the mark……..we are moving forward & our commitment to succeed is absolute!

We have a facebook page for the mentorship and one member Paul Langham posted a resume of where he was and the issues which he faced, he encouraged other members to come clean and share their story.

So here is mine…….

thanks for sharing your inner most secrets Paul, firstly let me confirm that you are not alone with your fear [whether real or perceived] nor your own self criticism on progress or indeed the lack of it.

So in answer to your comment here goes:

On the whole I have got a fantastic life, great standard of living, gorgeous wife and three great children [aren’t they all?] together with a small core of close friends [that I can actually rely upon]. So when you look at things in the cold light of day I shouldn’t complain about anything [I always try to be positive no matter what] as we generally take these things for granted most especially with our health, thank God.

I too Paul am feeling the ‘pinch’ [that’s one word for it, my wife would have a completely different adjective to use I believe!] from a financial point of view, but I am a great believer in remaining positive and try not to dwell on things that are outside of my power or which I have no control of [I could go into a rant about what I think about politicians, banks, civil servants etc etc but feel that this is not the time nor the place] and in life we all have choices. Every morning when I wake up I believe I have huge resources which in turn give me great opportunities and as such it is my duty to do my best.

I have realised that the only person that is going to make any difference to my life is me, and only me, and have over the last four or five years I have made some serious attempt at addressing this. I have read huge amounts of books from inspirational people such as Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad Poor Dad), Richard Branson (Screw It, Let’s Do It), Napoleon Hill (Think and Grow Rich), Michael Gerber (The E-myth), Mark Victor Hansen & Robert Allen (The One Minute Millionaire) Timothy Ferriss (The Four Hour Working Week) I could go on but I guess you get the picture.

I am probably luckier than most in that I have got a business partner who has over the last few years been inspirational in my belief that I can actually make an income from Internet marketing which will replace my current day job and that day is not too far off.

I think to be totally honest I have absorbed the teachings of The Secret (Rhonda Byrne) and opened up my mind to accept that the money is coming! The truth of the matter is I now know that I have to actually do something to help it along, so here I am.

So late 2012 we signed up for Dean’s mentorship program to make ourselves accountable as we believe that we are missing a ”trick or two” and need someone to be answerable to, identify our mistakes and point us in the right direction. I also believe there is huge opportunity within the group to help each other and what I find truly amazing is a willingness to help one another, this is a breath of fresh air when you consider how off-line businesses operate!

So here we are 2013 four months down the line and the product is still not created but it is Work In Progress.

Procrastination is a killer and I have committed time in my diary to work on my business and probably one of the best things I have created is a program [a list of bite sized actions], whilst it is more than likely this document will get tweaked as I go along, it is a visual document, which I can view and review every day [pinned up above my desk].

I think the weekly Q&A sessions is certainly an asset that we all should utilise and the Skype group is something I am looking to become an active member of hopefully to the benefit of everyone else.

So my goal is to be making positive cash flow by the end of June 2013 which by all accounts shouldn’t be difficult if I apply all the techniques and effort which I’m been taught.

This is the tough bit by going public I’m making myself accountable to all of my colleagues within the mentorship program and I believe we can all progress to achieve our goals.

Best wishes to you all

Michael Bury